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Thinking...Not So Fast

Thinking, Fast and Slow

In his groundbreaking book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, psychologist Daniel Kahneman introduces two systems of the human mind. System 1 operates automatically and quickly, driven by instinct and emotion. System 2 is deliberative and logical, calculating and conscious.


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Potential Dealbreakers

A short post this week on a simple—but difficult—topic. When you like a candidate but they are deficient in one part of the Target (scorecard), what do you do?

An example would be a candidate that scores well across all Facets of the Target except one (e.g. “concise...

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Getting Great Hiring on Rails (Part 1)

If you’ve been through one of our trainings, you already know our 5-step talent algorithm. Here it is as a recent reformulation into a “TALGO” acronym for easy recall:

Target the specific outcomes and competencies you need for this role.

Aim for high performers—even if...

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How to Never Be Bored

Have you ever conducted an interview where you were waiting for the candidate to wrap up a story that you didn’t really care about?

We’ve all been there. There are a lot of causes but the one I want to talk about today is when a candidate is wasting both of your time by talking about...

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Helping New Interviewers Thrive (Part 2)

This is the second part of the series. If you haven’t already, you should read part one first.

Divide and Conquer Approach

One of the benefits to a new interviewer of a divide-and-conquer approach is that it lets people form a data-driven judgment of a specific slice of the candidate rather...

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Helping New Interviewers Thrive (Part 1)

You know hiring the right people for your company is crucial. You also understand the central role that interviewing plays to that end. But how do you make high-quality interviewing a sustainable process?

You need a reliable, consistent approach for leveling-up your new interviewers. Here are...

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Beware of the "Perfect" Candidate

Recently on Twitter, one of the accounts I follow posted:

What’s interesting is that this advice actually applies to the other side of the table—the Hiring Manager—as well. If a candidate meets 100% of a long list of qualifications you’ve created, this may actually be a...

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Minimizing False Negatives

Our guidance and training is aimed at helping you maximize your hiring accuracy. (And creating a great candidate experience so that those people who do receive an offer from you are excited to say yes.)

One way you do this is—the main way—is by minimizing false positives. Think of the...

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Time Management Mistakes

Your goal is to hire great people. That decision requires reliable data of which the interview process is a crucial component. You obviously want to gather as much relevant data per unit of time as you possibly can, subject to also ensuring that the candidate has a fantastic experience.


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